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i have a question to all oxwall user is your FTP work properly ? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Sprintally® Nov 2 '14
there is a big issue with oxwall FTP . before update 1.7 i mean during 1.6 results came " you have not permission to overwrite files " even after applied permission 777 .. now during 1.7 and 1.7.1 result comes " your username and password does not match " even after putting all correct informations and with the same information i can successfully access all directory and files via filezilla ...   how frustrating it is ??      
tammy harris
tammy harris Nov 2 '14
you need to use the ftp user that you uploaded the original files with 

if you use filzilla  account abc then use acount abc in admin ftp 

the problem is the owner and permissions for the oxwall install

if you use softalishes thing they will be owner problem 

i had same problem when i moved servers and unpacking the moved files got owned by root 

to fix it i done a full reinstall then changed config file back to original 

you maybe able just copy full site then delete everything and copy all back  am not shore may work

or ssh to change owners and permissions 
ross Team
ross Nov 2 '14
Tammy +1
Sprintally® Nov 2 '14
i had used softaculous  , which is pre installed in my cpanel .   

The Forum post is edited by Sprintally® Nov 2 '14