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Debug Option | Forum

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lattinaD Nov 2 '14
Hi all,

i switch to debug mode my oxwall installation (editing config.php file).
I need to debug all notifications except  particolar services or service.

Is it possible to view all messages except thoose related a particolar services (for example (theme_service.php)?

ross Team
ross Nov 2 '14
What is particolar services?

What are you trying to achieve? What do you mean by debugging all notifications?

lattinaD Nov 7 '14
i need to debug all services except themeservice

ross Team
ross Nov 9 '14
Unfortunately we do not have such a functional to demarcate, which part of the software debug notifications show and which not. 

In your case you disable the option on your server to show all notices, as they can be neglected, as to the errors you get with the theme_service.php file, you should try a default theme, I believe the errors won't be there. 

Also you can disable notices in the software, let me know if you're interested, I will provide with instructions.