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facebook | Forum

Alix Nov 3 '14
Hey everyone,
Just a question about Facebook connect (Dr Evil), what is a avantage and bonus to have a Facebook api for connection into oxwall website.
We realy need that for our user.
I ask for that because i realy everthing from Facebook . (Facebook) It's like dr Evil for us. But if we are not choice. Some friends tell me. It's good way for SEO solution.
Thank for your answer
Best regards
The Forum post is edited by Alix Nov 3 '14
ross Team
ross Nov 3 '14
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Abbey Nov 3 '14
The only bonus from it is user side, using FB connect they don't have to fill out a registration form, your site uses their FB credentials to create an account.

As for SEO I can't see how it helps there. It doesn't make your site more visible to search engines.

Utilizing Fb's page and group creation option does expand your sites search engine footprint, sadly you will still have to work hard on getting your site traffic and a decent rank on google yourself.

Alix Nov 5 '14
Ok understand. It's not a obligation to have this bonus and for SEO it's not also necessary.
Good, thank for your answer.