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How can an admin prevent users from changing their usernames?[Answered] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Zee More
Zee More Nov 4 '14

I just noticed that users on my site can modify their profile details including their usernames. I've searched the whole forum to see if anyone else had noticed such, but saw none.

Please I need help on how to prevent this; specifically how to lock certain fields in a user profile and prevent the user from making changes, especially the username field.
The Forum post is edited by ross Nov 4 '14
ross Team
ross Nov 4 '14
Go to the Profile questions in your admin panel and hover over the question, click on edit button, then untick the the pages where you don't want this questions to be shown, in your case is Profile edit page. 
Zee More
Zee More Nov 4 '14
I've seen it. Thank you.
ross Team
ross Nov 4 '14
I'm going to mark this thread as Answered then. 
Zee More
Zee More Nov 4 '14
ross Team
ross Nov 14 '14
Topic was moved from Bug reports and troubleshooting.