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removing title from page | Forum

The Chauffeur
The Chauffeur Nov 6 '14

How do I remove the title from this page only?

The Chauffeur
The Chauffeur Nov 9 '14
That'll remove it from every page I just wanted remove it from chat page
The Forum post is edited by The Chauffeur Nov 12 '14
tammy harris
tammy harris Nov 12 '14
you need put that code in the chat plugin  
not admin theme edit
The Chauffeur
The Chauffeur Nov 12 '14
Can you show me how to do that?
tammy harris
tammy harris Nov 12 '14
i dont have that plugin sorry  
tammy harris
tammy harris Nov 13 '14
you could simple remove it in language 
The Chauffeur
The Chauffeur Nov 14 '14
I've removed it by removing the line $this->setPageHeading("Chat");. Just wanted to utilise the maximum space and increase the height of chat area without making the page heigh too long