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Can't upload videos and photos | Forum

Josh Nov 7 '14

When I try to add videos I get this error:

Not Acceptable

An appropriate representation of the requested resource /video10/add/index/ could not be found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Also, when I try to add an photo album or upload photos, the screens goes slightly dark and freezes and nothing works on the page until I reload it.

Please help! What can I do to solve these issues?

ross Team
ross Nov 7 '14
Josh, first of all, please do the search before posting anything in the forum: 




this topic has already been discussed a lot of times

you will need to contact your hosting provider and request to disable mod_security module. Most probably that's the cause of this issue. 

keep us updated. 

The Forum post is edited by ross Nov 7 '14