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how to edit templates? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Billy Pip
Billy Pip Nov 7 '14
Is there any software or plugin available for edit templates?
Soundchum web solution

Quote from Billy Pip Is there any software or plugin available for edit templates?
the way i know that you have html skills 
Billy Pip
Billy Pip Nov 7 '14
i have 10 years experience in html .. but how strat
tammy harris
tammy harris Nov 7 '14
ow_themes    your theme 

everything is in there 

change ccs in admin theme edit 
The Forum post is edited by tammy harris Nov 7 '14
Billy Pip
Billy Pip Nov 7 '14

Quote from Tammy ow_themes    your theme 

everything is in there 

change ccs in admin theme edit 
I know there is located

But is there any software for check created themes (show output)?

and also is there any manual for create 

ross Team
ross Nov 9 '14
Billy is this: http://docs.oxwall.org/design:themes what you're looking for?
Billy Pip
Billy Pip Nov 10 '14

Quote from ross Billy is this: http://docs.oxwall.org/design:themes what you're looking for?
How can test and see output? possible to see output offline?
The Forum post is edited by Billy Pip Nov 10 '14
ross Team
ross Nov 10 '14
Billy, in this case you need to have a test website, in order to test your changes or customizations. 

You can install oxwall locally and do that on your local server.