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"Urgent" - Bug - User Registration - Birth Date | Forum

idea Nov 2 '10
as an admin of www.ikbc.in I had updated some of "user profile questions" after 25 - 30 user registration. for some time i kept them as "not required" but after some days i had set them as "required" now during each try of new registration it gives error for registering ...
now what should i do 1}if i want to make it "Required" question.. 2}how can i come out of current position.

The Forum post is edited by idea Nov 2 '10
Bjorn Nov 2 '10
I also had this bug, but when i reinstalled and recursive chmod the pluginfiles folder it worked. :)
Don't know what do the error.
It might also be that you haven't run the cronjob after date format change.
Den Team
Den Nov 3 '10
I tried to join on your site, and after I filled in birth-date field it doesn't ask me to fill in it. Would you give more details about your error please?
idea Nov 3 '10
actually i had then changed it "Not Required" ...
because of that bug...
I hope it may be resolved in upcoming update...

wait again i make it "required" and lets see what happens..
Den Team
Den Nov 5 '10
I tried again, when I filled in Birthdate field, I was able to join without any problems.
Johnny May 30 '11
I still experience that problem..I forced to make it not required. but i had a new problem instead it keeps on telling "please fill up the form" even all are already filled up
  noname.gif (41.01Kb)
Nuevo Jun 2 '11
i dont know but i get that error with some user BUT i do the same from my computer and has no error (several times i need to create an user myself)
maybe iexplorer? im using firefox

Den Team
Den Jun 3 '11
This is IE9 Issue and will be fixed in next update
Ashish Kanojiya
Ashish Kanojiya Jul 1 '13

Quote from Den This is IE9 Issue and will be fixed in next update

this problem is in all browser i thinks its a serious issue of oxwall 1.5.3