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what deferent between ow_static and ow_plugins ?? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
mohammad Nov 26 '14

I want modify conversation_list.js ! what defferent between these ??

plz help :(

Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Nov 28 '14
Are you waiting for an answer?
mohammad Nov 29 '14

Quote from Durlabh Ashok Are you waiting for an answer?
yes ! 
Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Nov 29 '14
Okay, then you must understand what is the difference between ow_plugins and ow_static:

OW_PLUGINS: When a plugin is installed, it goes directly to ow_plugins and is stored here.

OW_STATIC/plugins: A copy of the installed plugin is stored in this directory, but when we enable ow_debug, every time a new copy of the plugin is called here,We can also say the copy is deteled and copied here again.This happens every time when page is loaded.

mohammad Nov 29 '14

Quote from Durlabh Ashok Okay, then you must understand what is the difference between ow_plugins and ow_static:

OW_PLUGINS: When a plugin is installed, it goes directly to ow_plugins and is stored here.

OW_STATIC/plugins: A copy of the installed plugin is stored in this directory, but when we enable ow_debug, every time a new copy of the plugin is called here,We can also say the copy is deteled and copied here again.This happens every time when page is loaded.

Thanks :) it's helpful
Daisy Team
Daisy Dec 10 '14
Topic was moved from Custom Code Modifications.
ross Team
ross Dec 10 '14
Mohammad ow_static is a cache files of the plugins, in order not to use ow_plugins everytime we cache the files in ow_static and the files are used from there. 

Durlabh is right. 

Also, we do not recommend to do the changes in the core files of software and plugins as they will be overwritten while next update of the software or plugin. 

The Forum post is edited by ross Dec 10 '14
Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Dec 11 '14
+1 Ross