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class 'VIDEO_CMP_VideoListWidget' not found | Forum

Fred Nov 26 '14


I have this error after installing a video plugin.

The file is present, I can not do anything, not even remove the plugin.

Have you ever had this error?

Message: Class VIDEO_CMP_VideoListWidget does not exist

File: ow_system_plugins / base / components / drag_and_drop_item.php

ross Team
ross Nov 26 '14
Try to deactivate and activate the plugin back. 

Make sure you have this file: ow_plugins/video/components/video_list_widget.php

Fred Nov 26 '14

Thank you for the answer, I commented out the code for the widget in activate.php and I no longer have the error.

What I do not understand is that the file exists ...

ross Team
ross Nov 26 '14
What is your software version Fred?
Fred Nov 26 '14
Platform version 1.7.1 (build 8274)
ross Team
ross Nov 26 '14
Fred, you need to update your software first in order to use the latest plugin version. 

As you have an access to the admin panel, deactivate the plugin, do the backup, disable 3rd party plugins, update your platform, then all default plugins, activate the video plugin back

Fred Nov 26 '14
ok thank you very much, I'll update
ross Team
ross Nov 26 '14
Keep us updated.