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My admin panel has weird eyes on it | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Natch Nov 26 '14
I'm not sure what's up with this but here is my dashboard in a screenshot 
The Forum post is edited by Natch Nov 26 '14
Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Nov 26 '14

Hello Natch,

Can you please provide the url of you site?
Natch Nov 26 '14
Yep. It's right up on top. konnecter.tk
ross Team
ross Nov 26 '14
Enable dev mode, refresh your website, disable dev mode

If you use Cloudlflare, purge the cache

Clear your browser cache. 

Natch Nov 26 '14
Ok I fixed it. Turns out there was a hacker that got into my whole system. I just changed around all my passwords and everything and now I'm good. Thanks for the help though.
ross Team
ross Nov 26 '14
Alright, thanks for letting us know.