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Profile rating?[Solved] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Harry Nov 27 '14
Can someone direct me to where it is I can rate a profile (relating to the top users plugin)?  Could it be that the theme I'm using (facebook go) is just hiding the option?

Thanks for any help you can provide

The Forum post is edited by ross Nov 30 '14
ross Team
ross Nov 28 '14
I believe there should be a widget on the profile page called Rate. Please contact plugin developer to find out that info, as this is third party plugin and we do not know exactly how it works.
Harry Nov 28 '14
OK, I didnt see that widget but I'll look again and contact the developer.

Thanks again, Ross

tammy harris
tammy harris Nov 28 '14
the profile rate widget is a blank widget no name 

actually i think it says No Title
Harry Nov 28 '14
Ah ok yes that showed up, lol.   Thanks Tammy!