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Oxwall IP Address(es) For FTP Access Only by IP Address White List | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Dick Nov 29 '14

I am testing Oxwall on a dedicated server that has "FTP access only by IP Address white list" enabled and would like to know the correct Oxwall IP Address(es) to add to the white list so that the Oxwall Admin area can connect via FTP to the Oxwall Store for software and plugin updates.

My whois search for the Oxwall IP Address resulted in, which has been added to the server white list, but I am not sure that is the correct or only Oxwall IP Address needed since I am still unable to connect via FTP in the Oxwall Admin area at this time.

Thank you in advance for your reply and information.
Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Nov 30 '14
Hello Dick,
The details of ftp on your web server can be found on your Cpanel of your web hosting.Try searching there.
ross Team
ross Dec 1 '14
Dick it is
Dick Dec 1 '14
Hi Ross, thank you very much for the reply and information. I will add that IP to the white list and see if that allows me to connect to the Oxwall files via FTP correctly.
ross Team
ross Team
ross Dec 1 '14
No problem