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Friendly URL & Usernames | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
jeo Dec 19 '11
What i mean is for example "usernames" should just show as www.site.com/username not www.site.com/user/username, "blogs" should also show like www.site.com/blogtitle or let members create blog username for example www.site.com/blogusername. And rely the same type of thing for all the url names.
jeo Dec 19 '11
I mean same for "groups" like www.site.com/groupname & etc.
Michael I.
Michael I. Dec 28 '11
Please submit a suggestion at http://oxwall.uservoice.com/ and maybe one day it will be added to Oxwall.
Mark Jan 2 '12
the urls in oxwall are friendly enough, search engines have no problem indexing them and i get plenty of traffic via search to my site
Purusothaman Ramanujam

Suprised to see that you hear that you get traffic with such a kind of urls in sitemap.
Mark Apr 29 '12
if you want keyword stuffed titles, or shorter urls i believes the SEO plugin in the oxwall store will do that
Purusothaman Ramanujam
Thx for update. Will try that soon.