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what is the ow_smarty folder ? | Forum

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mohammad Dec 3 '14

i want to change and customize chat box ! 

it just change when i change files in ow_smarty !

what is this folder ?

i thinked shuld be change ow_plugin ?

plz help ...

ross Team
ross Dec 3 '14
ow_smarty is used for storing template caching files in the template_c folder, and some functional files for smarty templating in the plugin folder

It should not be changed to ow_plugins, as we use smarty library for separating functional logic and views. 

mohammad Dec 3 '14

Quote from ross ow_smarty is used for storing template caching files in the template_c folder, and some functional files for smarty templating in the plugin folder

It should not be changed to ow_plugins, as we use smarty library for separating functional logic and views. 

Ok ! now if i want to customize oxwall chat shuld be change wich file ??

plz help me ! i need help ! nobody help me in this site :(

ross Team
ross Dec 3 '14
What exactly do you want to customize?
mohammad Dec 3 '14

Quote from ross What exactly do you want to customize?

I want add two button ! 

i add this in a file in ow_smarty but u say its temp ! 

so i shul add these were  ???

ross Team
ross Dec 4 '14
The template of the chat is in ow_plugins/mailbox/views/components/chat_user_list.html
mohammad Dec 6 '14

Quote from ross The template of the chat is in ow_plugins/mailbox/views/components/chat_user_list.html
I change that But it change main chat user list ! see this pic ...

JoshWho Dec 6 '14
what r u using to have voice chat built into the original chat?
mohammad Dec 6 '14

Quote from JoshWho what r u using to have voice chat built into the original chat?
Im make a voice chat with WebRTC ! But i cante use php ! i just can work with asp.net

Now i have some problem :(

its bad ....

JoshWho Dec 6 '14
sorry to hear that. Would be a nice feature for oxwall to add to there ajax by default.  
mohammad Dec 6 '14

Quote from JoshWho sorry to hear that. Would be a nice feature for oxwall to add to there ajax by default.  
I search ! But not found any plug in ....
ross Team
ross Dec 11 '14
sorry mohammad, I gave you the wrong file it is toolbar.html