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How do I change : www.mysite - Social Networking in google search[Solved] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
vika vinia
vika vinia Dec 5 '14
When i search my site on google my site appears always like this
"www.mysite - Social Networking"
and when i put my site on facebook wall
"Sample Page - www.mysite.com"

Can i change that ... if yes ... can somebody give me detail instruction plz
Thanks alot
The Forum post is edited by ross Dec 5 '14
ross Team
vika vinia
vika vinia Dec 5 '14
Thanks ross
Social Networking issue solved
How about
"Sample Page - www.mysite.com"

ross Team
ross Dec 5 '14
I'm sorry I don't understand what the problem is with sample page. Please elaborate the issue and provide screenshot. 
Webster Molaudi
Webster Molaudi Dec 5 '14
Hi Vika,

How did you change "Social Networking" ?
ross Team
ross Dec 5 '14
see the link I provided
vika vinia
vika vinia Dec 5 '14
Hi webster follow the link that ross give it above
ross Team
ross Dec 5 '14
Quote from ross I'm sorry I don't understand what the problem is with sample page. Please elaborate the issue and provide screenshot. 

vika vinia
vika vinia Dec 5 '14
Like this ross

can i change "Sample Page"

ross Team
ross Dec 5 '14
Vika, what do you have as a site name here: www.site.com/admin/settings?
The Forum post is edited by ross Dec 5 '14
vika vinia
vika vinia Dec 5 '14
Site Name : Klik Models
ross Team
ross Dec 5 '14
Alright, in this case, clear your facebook cache: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object/ Just enter your domain;

then refresh your facebook account page and try to enter the domain again in the wall. 

vika vinia
vika vinia Dec 5 '14
Thanks ross ... solved
ross Team
ross Dec 5 '14