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Paid membership plugin not working | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Jan Kowalski
Jan Kowalski Dec 8 '14
I am asking hor help on the forum, bacause nobody replies emails I sent to SKALFA LLC and OXWALL STORE
I bought Paid membership and Pay Pall plug-ins, I installed them correctly, but they do not show on my webpage.

The plug-ins can only be seen in settings / admin / plugins and index / customise
After I add the widget on the website, they do not show up.
Can anybody help me? Skalfa and Store remain silent...
Platform version 1.7.2 (build 8520)
The Forum post is edited by Jan Kowalski Dec 8 '14
Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Dec 8 '14

Hello Jan

You have to contact the plug-in developer for this.

Can you share the url of the plugin you have bought?

ross Team
ross Dec 8 '14
Jan, you will have to wait for the reply. Or send a complaint to moderation team here:  moderation_team@oxwall.org