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Topic location: Forum home » Support » Oxwall Store
Holy Moses
Holy Moses Dec 9 '14
If you have problems with purchased plugins?

I bought
for about $ 200 plug-ins and more than half of these problems.
Some do not work any other cause errors on the site!

This waste is sold for a lot of money (The mass makes it!)

If you then
writes a negative review these will not be published.
Only the positive will be published, as the bring in new customers!

Those who have had similar experiences?

Write here the names of the seller
The name of the plugin
Your experiences (which does not work)

Sorry for the bad english (google translator)

Ich habe für etwa 200$ Plugins gekauft und mit mehr als der Hälfte davon Probleme.
Einige funktionieren nicht, andere verursachen Fehler auf der Website!

Hier wird Müll verkauft für viel Geld (Die Masse macht es!)
Wenn man dann eine negative Bewertung schreibt wird diese nicht veröffentlicht.
Nur die positiven werden veröffentlicht, denn die bringen neue Kunden!

Wer hat ähnliche Erfahrungen gemacht?

Schreibt hier die Namen der Verkäufer
Den Namen des Plugin
Eure Erfahrungen (was nicht funktioniert)
The Forum post is edited by Holy Moses Dec 10 '14
Holy Moses
Holy Moses Dec 9 '14
Deutsches Forum, gleiche Probleme!
Holy Moses
Holy Moses Dec 9 '14
Plugin: Contact pro by "aron"

The news comes on, but will not be displayed!

Before there was another problem:
Only the subject has been displayed, not the message itself

Holy Moses
Holy Moses Dec 9 '14
Theme: Calibre
Problem: here

It sucks!
Every Second Plugin has errors or cause errors on the page.

I like to pay for a plugin, BUT it has to run without errors!

Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Dec 9 '14

You can clam a refund on paypal.

Please do read all the coments about he plugin before any purchase and if you have been scam or something like that then do write a review and also rate that plugin, if you do so then this will help others in choosing a good plugin.


Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Dec 9 '14
I saw that you have written the review,So its good.
Holy Moses
Holy Moses Dec 10 '14

there are many user with the same problems.
not all log on to the forum.

plugin ratings are mostly uninteresting. publish seller (rare) not bad reviews!
that is bad for your business!

in paypal the problem is difficult to prove .... even know the seller.

Oxwall would be a good software, but the plugins that are offered for sale mostly scrap. fast money for the freaks nothing can!

sorry for the bad english = google translator

tammy harris
tammy harris Dec 10 '14
theres just to many crap plugins and crap dev the store needs a big clean up

oxwall is only as good as the plugins for it

and right now most plugins are complete crap

Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Dec 10 '14
I am in favor of the cleanup tammy only if the plugins are useless but I havent tried them so i cannot comment on any!

There are so many posts on the forum all reporting bad plugins, if we see them from the oxwall point of view then they must be cuasing them serious problems but i don't get it, why they are not taking any action!, in mean if the plugin is bad then they should remove it or if its working then they should atleast notify its users that plugins are good....

Holy Moses
Holy Moses Dec 10 '14
The next fuckin plugin/theme

working correctly!

My comment about the theme was not published because it was negative and other disposals would hurt!
Something is not an exception in Oxwall but the standard!

As a result, Oxwall user get ripped off
and the scrap plugins are resold and cause harm to the sites!

tammy harris
tammy harris Dec 10 '14
Oxwall has know this problem long time and has chose to do nothing 

I see hundreds of ppl come to oxwall not saying wow this is great 

But after few months of try deal with crap plugins and a hole dev they scrap it and go elsewhere

James Dec 14 '14
I gave up on Oxwall.. Just another newbee but I quit while I'm only losing a few hunderd to credits, paid membership, Stripe,  Zombaio, and paypal plugins. Other plugins as well but those are the ones that got to me and making me walk away.. Hope it all works out for you all. I am going back to dolphin and vBulletins software.. Least they care..
James Dec 15 '14
I think Oxwall is a good platform but needed it to do the paid membership and credits. I have all that stuff with dolphin and vBulletins. Paid membership is built in. Instead of paying over 200.00 to plugins that don't work. I was just wanting to try something new. But Skalfa LLC put a very bad taste on the Oxwall software and lost a good bit of money to them..
Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Dec 15 '14
Quote from S.Williams James,
I wouldn't be so quick to give up on Oxwall.
I think Oxwall does care, they are still growing, definitely moving in the right direction, not to mention their free support is great.
I've had paid support in the past that doesn't come close to the support Oxwall offers for free. As more people voice their opinions about the problems in the store, the sooner these problems will be addressed.
You shouldn't let a few bad Dev's completely turn you against Oxwall itself.

+1 Williams, I completely agree with you!
Harry Dec 16 '14
Holy Moses
Holy Moses Dec 16 '14
was die guten Leute bei oxwall geleistet haben wird jetzt von einigen geldgeilen Versagern kaputt gemacht.
Diese Freaks bekommen durch oxwall erst die Möglichkeit überflüßige und schlechte, oder nicht funktionierende Plugins zu schreiben und Kohle damit zu machen (für jeden drittklassigen Programmierer ist oxwall das Paradis!) ..
oxwall segnet diese Scheiße ab, dadurch können diese Freaks weiter Kohle verdienen, auf Kosten der oxwall-Nutzer.
NICHTS von diesen Plugins ist kompatibel!
Wenn oxwall diese Scheiße nicht stoppt wird es oxwall in einem Jahr vermutlich nichtmehr geben..
Holy Moses
Holy Moses Dec 16 '14

 Theme "Calibre"

Stay away from this theme!

The ratings are wrong!
Negative reviews will not be published.
The theme has several bugs and makes problems.

tammy harris
tammy harris Dec 16 '14

Quote from James I think Oxwall is a good platform but needed it to do the paid membership and credits. I have all that stuff with dolphin and vBulletins. Paid membership is built in. Instead of paying over 200.00 to plugins that don't work. I was just wanting to try something new. But Skalfa LLC put a very bad taste on the Oxwall software and lost a good bit of money to them..
yes  you have to thing of why they jacked there price's up so much 
right now why would any one even think of use oxwall with prices so high

when they are part of skadate 
Den Team
Den Dec 17 '14
Hello guys,

Looks like we have to sort this out again. I've already replied to topics like this one, please, read my response and our team position.

To whom, who has had a bad experience with plugins/developers:

we understand your disappointment by having a negative experience with some developers. This could happen sometimes, because it is all about software/bugs/features/specific requirements. And customer's negative experience is what we want to reduce with Oxwall as low as possible. And that's why we have introduced a "rules of game" like reviews, polices, approve process, etc.

And we should follow them if we want to increase the quality, together. 

Please, use all introduced ways to share your experience in proper places of Community. Do not spam whole public forums, otherwise, the team will have to take actions.

Thank you.

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