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Welcome Message being sent out [Solved] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
JoJo Dec 10 '14

I am not sure if I am posting this in the right group, or not. But I am having a question. I run a social dating site, and when someone signs up they get a welcome message (standard message that gives them the option of what they can do) and they also get the "email verification" email. Now, some people have reported the default email to be a spam, and now my email has been blocked from sending emails, until it has been investigated by some third "spam block-company". They then advised me to change a few words in the email that is being sent out, the introduction and the welcome message. But where can I find these messages so I can change a few words? Or is this not possible?

The Forum post is edited by ross Dec 14 '14
Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Dec 10 '14
You can find them in languages section in admin panel, You have serach them,like if you wnat to find welcome, then you have to search it.
ross Team
ross Dec 10 '14
Durlabh +1 you can find the content of the messages in the Languages section in the Admin Panel. Just do the search by the keywords, like verification for verification e-mail, welcome for other welcome e-mails. 
JoJo Dec 12 '14

Quote from ross Durlabh +1 you can find the content of the messages in the Languages section in the Admin Panel. Just do the search by the keywords, like verification for verification e-mail, welcome for other welcome e-mails. 

Thank you, I have found it!
ross Team
ross Dec 14 '14
Great. I'm going to mark this thread as Solved then.