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Can I "hide" my updates for everyone but my "friends" | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Lennart Dec 11 '14

is it possible to make Settings so that posts/updates can only be seen by my "friends"?

ross Team
ross Dec 11 '14
what posts/updates exactly and where do you want them to be seen by your 'friends"
Lennart Dec 11 '14
Hi Ross,

so I'm completely new to Oxwall so I don't have any installment yet.

So the general question is concerning Privacy: Is it possible for users to be "invisible" to other users? Or am I visible but can hide my posts?

ross Team
ross Dec 11 '14
You can check the privacy settings and what you can make private or not on our demo: http://demo.oxwall.org/profile/privacy