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music extreme plugin does not work | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
luke dane
luke dane Dec 11 '14
I just tried the  music extreme plugin but it does not work on 1.7.1 any advice please.
ross Team
ross Dec 11 '14
I'm sorry but this is a 3rd party plugin you will need to contact plugin developer directly to resolve your issue. As we do not provide assistance with 3rd party plugins.
luke dane
luke dane Dec 13 '14
ok cool
luke dane
luke dane Dec 13 '14
ok I will look into it.
thank you for the feedback
luke dane
luke dane Dec 13 '14
whatever it is it's preventing the mp3 upload. it's saying invalid file uploaded.
luke dane
luke dane Dec 13 '14
is this a plugin?
tammy harris
tammy harris Dec 13 '14
i give up on this plugin long long time ago