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Smarty error. Need help. Site was working fine. Do not know why I am getting that error? | Forum

Leo Dec 24 '11
OW Debug - Error Message: Smarty error: unable to write to $compile_dir '/home/corazon/public_html/ow_smarty/template_c'. Be sure $compile_dir is writable by the web server user. File: /home/corazon/public_html/ow_libraries/smarty/Smarty.class.php Line: 1092
The Forum post is edited by Leo Dec 24 '11
Michael I.
Michael I. Dec 26 '11
Make sure you have 'template_c' folder in the /home/corazon/public_html/ow_smarty/ directory and set folder permissions to 777.
Leo Dec 27 '11
Thank you Mr. Wolfe for your prompt help. I just set folder 'template_c' to 777 in the "/home/corazon/public_html/ow_smarty/" and things are back to normal.

Again, thank you very much for your help.
Michael I.
Michael I. Jan 2 '12
You're welcome. Glad to hear your problem is solved.