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After plugin update ,new landings page is gone ? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Matthew Vaessen
Matthew Vaessen Dec 13 '14
After a plugin update ,my new landings page I created is gone ,the old landings page is activated.

So if we do restore to previous back-up all ok,but if there is a new plugin te update ,we get the same problem.

It seems that some inner pages the color changes after the update plugin.

So this is very strange ,anybody have suggestions or a solution will be helpful.



Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Dec 13 '14

Which plugin you have updated?

Matthew Vaessen
Matthew Vaessen Dec 13 '14
Matthew Vaessen
Matthew Vaessen Dec 13 '14
other plugin ,same issue
Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Dec 13 '14
So you have created a landing page in messages?
Matthew Vaessen
Matthew Vaessen Dec 13 '14
no,because this issue is strange we only replace old landingspage  for new desgin

All is working,only when we get some updates of plugin we get this problem

Matthew Vaessen
Matthew Vaessen Dec 13 '14
Theme we use have a default landingspage ,this one we change
Matthew Vaessen
Matthew Vaessen Dec 13 '14
must be restore to new landingspage ,can you help
Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Dec 13 '14
You mean you didnt setup the splash screen?

Durlabh Ashok
Durlabh Ashok Dec 13 '14
Yes or no?
Matthew Vaessen
Matthew Vaessen Dec 13 '14
Don't know ,of you select enter you see old page.

But my hosting provider did a back up end my new landingspage is visible again.

Only I have new updates ready ,but when I do this the old site will be there end the new will be gone again.

So how can we solved this?

Matthew Vaessen
Matthew Vaessen Dec 13 '14
splash screen is enable
ross Team
ross Dec 15 '14
Matthew how did you create that landing page, is it a custom page your created via admin panel or is it external page you put on the server?

How did you update your plugins? via admin panel or manually?