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1.7.2+latest mailbox: in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given | Forum

Scott Dec 14 '14
After updating to 1.7.2, and updating Mailbox to the latest version as of 12-15-14, I see the error in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given with debug mode and dev mode enabled. In addition, the "Mailbox" link where the user menu is at the top is broken and results in just the background being displayed when clicked.

See: https://i.imgur.com/n8VhiD3.png

All permissions are 775 except for pluginfiles, userfiles, static, and one more folder. This is running on a Ubuntu/LAMP VPS with 2GB RAM.
  errors.txt (0Kb)
ross Team
ross Dec 15 '14
Topic was moved from General Questions.
ross Team
ross Dec 15 '14
Scott, can you please go to the settings of the mailbox plugin and check whether you can switch between modes, like mail only, mailbox and chat, chat only 

Also go to your database via phpmyadmin, table ow_base_config and check whether you have such column: