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something needs to be done about bad dev and plugins | Forum

tammy harris
tammy harris Dec 15 '14
how many ppl have to be riped off and scammed out of there money before something is done 

tammy harris
tammy harris Dec 15 '14

JamesYesterday, 06:22PM

I gave up on Oxwall.. Just another newbee but I quit while I'm only losing a few hunderd to credits, paid membership, Stripe,  Zombaio, and paypal plugins. Other plugins as well but those are the ones that got to me and making me walk away.. Hope it all works out for you all. I am going back to dolphin and vBulletins software.. Least they care..

tammy harris
tammy harris Dec 15 '14
yet another person walking away from oxwall
ross Team
ross Dec 15 '14
Topic was moved from General Questions.