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How to restore user profile to new site | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Edson Francis
Edson Francis Dec 15 '14
How can i restore my old site that i backup with softaculous before this?...

But, i only wanted to restore user profile only to my new site http://feedsway.com

anybody can help me step by step to do this ASAP...

Thanks for your support!



ross Team
ross Dec 15 '14
ross Team
ross Dec 15 '14
Edson, do you want to restore only the basic data, like user profile data: username, age, sex, etc. or the profile data and photos, posts etc as well?
Edson Francis
Edson Francis Dec 15 '14
yes...i'm only want to restore user data from my old website like as u said "user profile data: username, age, sex, etc." like an import user data from my old oxwall site...
ross Team
ross Dec 16 '14
Well, in this case you need to create a database via phpmyadmin, import your backup database there;

then choose ow_base_question-data table and ow_base_user table and export them in CSV format. 

Then on your new website you need to install this plugin http://www.oxwall.org/store/item/718

and import the CSV file you have exported with 2 tables.