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zack Dec 18 '14
Hello eveyone i am a newbie with oxwall. I been purchasing a few themes and plugins to complete my site when i notice a few of the themes are not responsive. I reached out to a developer and lets just say it is not working out. So can anyone recommend an good reasonable developer.

 Also i notice on the mobile side of things it only allow 3 pages to be showed which are the main, newsfeed and photo can this be change so i can add more pages that can be seen as well? 

I know i can use the desktop version but doing that will have members to scroll through groups, forums,links, etc before the get to the actual newsfeed because its showing exactly what the desktop is showing am i missing something? I am using proximus2 and my site is 305vibe.com

Please help

zack Dec 18 '14
Hello Chris I appreciate the assistance. I visited your site and its very clean and i love the mods you added. i didnt know on the mobile side of things was in early development. Okay so I guess I will stick to a good responsive theme  on the desktop. Is there any other matters I should be aware of, please share
ross Team
ross Dec 18 '14
Chris +1

Our mobile version is limited in features right now, however we plan to enhance it in some way every and each update. Please be patient, Oxwall is a small team and we do our best to fulfill the needs of our customers.