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widgets[Solved] | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
luke dane
luke dane Dec 19 '14
is it possible to restore accidental widgets
The Forum post is edited by ross Dec 19 '14
luke dane
luke dane Dec 19 '14
accidentally deleted widgets sorry.
ross Team
ross Dec 19 '14
how did you delete the widget? which widgets exactly?
luke dane
luke dane Dec 19 '14
I went to the customize on main page and clicke the red x on users widget.
ross Team
ross Dec 19 '14
Click on the customize this page again the users widget should be among others available widgets
luke dane
luke dane Dec 19 '14
sorry where is that tab located? I cannot see that option.
luke dane
luke dane Dec 19 '14
ok I see it at the top thanks
ross Team
ross Dec 19 '14
No problem. I'm going to mark this thread as Solved.