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Just a Question | Forum

bob daubney
bob daubney Jan 1 '12
Anybody know how to move oxwall to a new server?
Den Team
Den Jan 3 '12

Follow these steps:

1) move all your files and DB to a new server
2) set new attributes for Mysql in ow_includes/config.php 
3) set recursive 777 permissions for these folders:
- ow_pluginsfiles
- ow_userfiles
- ow_static
Travis WAll
Travis WAll Jan 6 '12
Sorry to bother everyone I am new to oxwall, I need to know how add a new theme from the market? I clicked download on the theme and it downloaded to my computer. How do I upload it into my site so I can change the theme?
Great_Day Jan 7 '12
Hi Travis WAll,

You will need to upload it to the ow_themes folder in your server. You will have to upload it the same way as you uploaded the rest of the oxwall files (you can use Filezilla or something like that) (Note that you will have to unzip the file before!). Than go to the Admin Area of your site. Go to Appearance and then to choose theme. There you can pick your theme. 


P.S. Please create a new topic next time...