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Mobile and Instant Messaging | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
zack Dec 31 '14
I have a question I notice when using the desktop version on a mobile device when I go to the main page I will have to scroll through all the forums, photos, groups and etc just to get to the news feed. Is there away to block out all of these out and just have the newsfeed without changing the website completely when using mobile devices so only the news feed will show on the main page?

Also the im chat on mobile device is very difficult to function on mobile devices as well, because of it size has anybody find a solution so the can see and function the im chat when using it on mobile device such as android, iphones and window based phones?

ross Team
ross Jan 2 '15
Zack, first of all, we do not support desktop version in mobile browsers.
You can customize your main page by going here: www.site.com/index/customize:
 - click on "customize this page" button and remove the widgets: forums, photos, groups and etc.
 - this way you'll have only newsfeed on the main page.

As to the IM chat size and difficult to function issue, please elaborate what the issue is.