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Captcha | Forum

Akbar Jan 5 '12
hi please help me 

The image “http://360msn.com/base/captcha/index/images/” cannot be displayed because it contains errors.

  Presentation1.jpg (23.95Kb)
Great_Day Jan 7 '12
Hi Akbar, 

It is strange, becuase when I visite the link, I am going to the installing of Oxwall. 

For such problems it is always good to reinstall a plugin (deleting and downloading again). 
The captcha plugin proved that is working, so there can't  be something wrong there. There could be a problem with the server (not supporting something like that) or there might be some other problems, which could be hard to solve. 

Den Team
Den Jan 10 '12
Topic was moved from General Questions.
Den Team
Den Jan 10 '12
Seems you have some troubles with GD library on your hosting. Check our your error logs or try to enable DEV_MODE and DEBUG_MODE and refresh the page http://360msn.com/base/captcha/index/images/

Blaine May 29 '12
im having this issue on 1.3.2 could you elaborate on the GD library

also when entering this ur:


i get this:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function imagettfbbox() in /home/techyowl/public_html/ow_libraries/securimage/securimage.php on line 734

Mark May 30 '12
for oxwall to work you need both

GD library & TTFonts installed