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problems with registration avatar photo | Forum

gustavo Jan 13 '15

estimated as I can solve problem registering an suaurio can not finish because it leaves to reposition photo avatar not help finish the registration can fix that

left image shows

urgent help

  no sube avatar.jpg (92Kb)
Oxwall Tips
Oxwall Tips Jan 16 '15
Fix to this issue was given by staff member here: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/29249?&page=2


Replace following piece of code:

public function onAddMembersOnlyException( BASE_CLASS_EventCollector $event ) { $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_Join', 'action' => 'index')); $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_Join', 'action' => 'joinFormSubmit')); $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_Join', 'action' => 'ajaxResponder')); $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_Captcha', 'action' => 'index')); $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_Captcha', 'action' => 'ajaxResponder')); $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_User', 'action' => 'forgotPassword')); $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_User', 'action' => 'resetPasswordRequest')); $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_User', 'action' => 'resetPassword')); $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_User', 'action' => 'ajaxSignIn')); $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_ApiServer', 'action' => 'request')); $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_Unsubscribe', 'action' => 'index')); $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_BaseDocument', 'action' => 'redirectToMobile'));


public function onAddMembersOnlyException( BASE_CLASS_EventCollector $event ) { $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_Join', 'action' => 'index')); $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_Join', 'action' => 'joinFormSubmit')); $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_Join', 'action' => 'ajaxResponder')); $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_Captcha', 'action' => 'index')); $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_Captcha', 'action' => 'ajaxResponder')); $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_User', 'action' => 'forgotPassword')); $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_User', 'action' => 'resetPasswordRequest')); $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_User', 'action' => 'resetPassword')); $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_User', 'action' => 'ajaxSignIn')); $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_ApiServer', 'action' => 'request')); $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_Unsubscribe', 'action' => 'index')); $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_BaseDocument', 'action' => 'redirectToMobile')); $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_AjaxLoader', 'action' => 'init')); $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_AjaxLoader', 'action' => 'component')); $event->add(array('controller' => 'BASE_CTRL_Avatar', 'action' => 'ajaxResponder'));

gustavo Jan 21 '15
thank you very much for your help and he resolved the problem