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Cron Jobs for Bluehost | Forum

Naikeya Jan 20 '12
Does anyone know what the correct path is for cron jobs on bluehost? 

I've had my site set up for several weeks and everyone stay signed in, no mass emailing or email invites, and no notifications for my members. 

This is the current path that I have, 
/ramdisk/bin/php5 -c /home8/public_html/wellnessclub/ow_core/cron.php. I've also tried the /user/bin/php path, and it doesn't work either.

Can someone please help. You can reach me here or by email at info@theninanetwork.com. 

Michael I.
Michael I. Jan 31 '12
Please use search before posting. There are multiple topics regarding the Cron issue on Bluehost servers.
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