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How to prevent photos posted to private groups appearing in newsfeed photo album?[Solved] | Forum

Isaac Jan 29 '15

TOP EDIT: The solution to the problem can be found in a topic that, at first glance, is about something else (well, it is, but it also solves this problem): http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/21385

Specifically, the following:

you will need to comment our or delete following line from ow_plugins/photo/classes/event_handler.php: 
$em->bind('feed.before_content_add', array($this, 'feedBeforeStatusUpdate')); 

The line above is just a few before the end of the file. Definitely go to the last page. :)

Original post follows for posterity:


I'm still searching the forum to try and see if this has been addressed anywhere, and I don't see anything. I do see something about when you've connected a forum to a group, but here's the deal: I've had to delete my private groups on my site because I just found out that the pictures were being posted in the newsfeed photo album.

That is a huge security breach, and non-intuitive to me. If you make a group private, it doesn't show up in the list of groups - that makes sense. It shouldn't. But any content posted to that group should never ever ever leave the group - never ever be visible for anyone not a member of that group (except perhaps admins get universal access).

I've tested on my forum, ieh.im. Created a private group and posted a test photo to the private group, which appears in the public newsfeed album in photos.

How can I fix this? And how can I make sure no other content gets pulled anywhere else?

If there's a topic covering this, please help me find it. I've searched several different keywords, and now I'm going through all the posts manually, which sucks.

Thank you sincerely for any help and advice you have.

The Forum post is edited by ross Feb 1 '15
ross Team
ross Jan 29 '15
Isaac, the fix from this topic works: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/21385" class="ow_autolink" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/21385
I have just tested it. The image stays in the group newsfeed and the newsfeed item appears in the dashboard not main newsfeed.
Also the image can't be seen among other photos in the Photo section. It just stays in the group.
Isaac Jan 30 '15
I didn't look enough at that topic because it looked like it didn't apply to my situation. But you're right, it works. Many thanks. :)
ross Team
ross Feb 1 '15
No problem. I'm going to mark this thread as Solved
ali Apr 11 '23
В Арт Академи в София, децата могат да се научат на различни техники за рисуване, керамика, крафт с полимерна глина и много други изкуствени дейности. През последните години, училището се е утвърдило като един от най-добрите центрове за изкуство за деца в София. Една от големите предимства на Арт Академи е, че децата не само могат да се забавляват, но и да учат много полезни умения като търпение, точност и творческо мислене. Децата могат да се развиват в своите умения и да изразят своята индивидуалност. В Арт Академи има и опитни учители, които ще насочат децата и ще им помогнат да развият своя талант. Всички материали и оборудване, необходими за изкуството, са на разположение в училището. Арт Академи