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Photo Upload Link? | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
falancas Feb 4 '15
javascript://   ??

What is the link needed to upload photos?

Full patch link.

ross Team
ross Feb 5 '15
There's no such link as it we use ajax form for uploading photos. 
falancas Feb 5 '15
<li><a href="javascript://" photo_upload>

<li><a href="profile/avatar" change_avatar>Change avatar</a></li>

Adding link (change_avatar) here avatar picture button but can not be added to other (photo_upload) links

photo_upload - Photo upload link ?
change_avatar - Change avatar link

Thank you.
ross Team
ross Feb 5 '15
There's no such links as it we use ajax form for uploading photos. 
falancas Feb 5 '15
Taissa Team
Taissa Feb 15 '15
The Photo Upload page doesn't physically exist. By clicking the photo upload link you call Ajax form. You can see how it works in /ow_plugins/photo/components/ajax_upload.php file.

If you provided information about changes you would like to do, we could give you possible solutions.
falancas Feb 16 '15
Photo upload button make.


Thank you for answer.
Marco Feb 17 '15
So i can not use any link? I have a page where stands now:
You can upload your photo's here. But i dont know what link to add
please advice?
Taissa Team
Taissa Feb 18 '15
falancas, thank you for explanation.
As I understood, you want to insert the image instead of the upload photos link in Welcome widget.
This link label is hardcoded that's why you can't change it via Admin Area. It will be custom code modification.
You need to make changes in /ow_system_plugins/base/components/welcome_widget.php file.

P.S. Remember all changes will be lost after updating the site.

Marco, as I mentioned photo upload page doesn't exist.
When you click upload photo link at Welcome widget it's calls the method which open upload photo form. You can find the path to this method in my answer above.

You can add the link to Photo list page for example: http://yoursitename.com/photo/viewlist/latest

Or if you are familiar with the code modification, you can develop such kind of functionality for your custom page.

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