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Its just showing a blank page after installation | Forum

Mahbub Shuvo
Mahbub Shuvo Feb 9 '15
I installed oxwall via softaculas. though it showed the success message but when i entered the site its showing nothing but a blank page. What can i so now?
My site url is chatpuffs.com
ross Team
ross Feb 9 '15
Check if your server meets our requirements: http://www.oxwall.org/hosting

Mod_rewrite and PDO modules in particular. 

Check whether there's htaccess file in the root of the software. 

Mahbub Shuvo
Mahbub Shuvo Feb 10 '15
Can you have look and check if it is okay. if i give you the cpanel username and password then...
ross Team
ross Feb 10 '15
I provided you clear instructions what you need to check, if you can't do that on your own, contact your hosting provider support team to assist you.