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Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Bruce Tran
Bruce Tran Jan 31 '12
How do I hide the Join Now button because my site will be by invitation only? Also, how do I change the registration is closed message?
Michael Leader
Michael Jan 31 '12
You can set in the admin panel that the site membership is by your invite only.
You can also hide the join widget and join menu in the "customise this page" options on the main page.

If you are looking to edit the wording of any text you can find the string in the admin panel in the languages section.  search for the string and find the match then edit it there.
The Forum post is edited by Michael Jan 31 '12
Bruce Tran
Bruce Tran Jan 31 '12
Thank you for your help. I will share my site once it is completed.
Michael Leader
Michael Feb 1 '12
No probs