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Send SMTP Mail Problem | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
falancas Feb 17 '15

My Oxwall sitemailnot sent.

My Yandex domain mail send and receive work.

What problem?

Thank you.
Oxwall Tips
Oxwall Tips Feb 18 '15
falancas ,

Why do you want using SMTP in the first place? Any particular reason?

1. what is the email address specified in Admin panel >> Settings >> Main Settings.
2. can you try using gmail SMTP? https://support.google.com/mail/answer/13287?hl=en
If gmail SMTP will work out, then the issue is with yandex only and you can investigate in this direction.
3. which emails are you using to test whether SMTP works or not? Verification emails?
The Forum post is edited by Oxwall Tips Feb 18 '15
falancas Feb 18 '15
I want to use info@mysite.com

I did Domain server settings. Not only send my Oxwall site.

Thank you for answer.
Taissa Team
Taissa Feb 19 '15
When SMTP is enabled, ALL emails are sent by Cron.
So make sure that your Cron is configured properly.
Cron set up documentation can be found here: http://docs.oxwall.org/install:cron

Not mandatory, but I also suggest checking this topic to get an idea on how Cron and mailing are connected in Oxwall: http://www.oxwall.org/forum/topic/10502
falancas Jul 12 '17
Hi again,

I've been searching all day for this problem, but oxwall does not send smtp mail.

I use webuzo and cloudflare.

I just created an email account at the webuzo panel. There is no mx record. All records are in cloudflare. Is this the right approach?

Cron working.

Thank you.
falancas Jul 13 '17
Which pane will I enter my Yandex MX records and SMTP settings?

Webuzo or Cloudflare?

If I have a DNS record on both sides, do I have a problem sending mail?

Webuzo panel


Cloudflare panel


Oxwall panel


SMTP test result


But SMTP don't work :(

At this point the server sends normal mail (php) but does not send SMTP. No problem at the ports.

I'm waiting for your help. Thank you.