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Email system doesn't work! | Forum

Leonardo Feb 6 '12
i tried several possible configuration for email system but it doesn't work.
If i install cms like wordpress it works... but not with oxwall!

What can i do?
I tried normal and SSL Smtp configuration... nothing!
No emails!!!!
Michael Leader
Michael Feb 6 '12
Check you have the cron job configured right.  That needs set for the notifications. 

Is it that or the verification email you are having bother with?
The Forum post is edited by Michael Feb 6 '12
Leonardo Feb 6 '12
i have problems with everything connected to email...if i register new user no email veryfication is sent! Every event or notification by email doesn't work...where i can find and example of cron?
Michael Leader
Michael Feb 7 '12
Ok when you entered the smtp and pushed the test button did it work?

To find cron examples, just search cron in oxwall forums. There should be plenty. 
Leonardo Feb 8 '12
but where is the test button?
I'm in smtp settings page and there is no test button in this page!

Leonardo Feb 8 '12
all ok...i found solution to my problem!!!

and i correctly added cron to my server using CPanel!

Michael Leader
Michael Feb 8 '12
great news!