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users stay online with cron job installed | Forum

Enock Feb 8 '12

I've installed the cron job in the server, but users stay connected even close the browser for more than 30 minutes.

Michael I.
Michael I. Feb 10 '12
Did you check Cron Jobs using SSH? Do your members receive emails sent from your website? Are you 100% sure that you set up Cron properly? I am asking because mainly Cron is the only reason why members are staying online.
Michael Leader
Michael Feb 10 '12
what host are you with as this may help in determining the cron syntax.
Enock Feb 10 '12

Quote from aka_le_Mulder Did you check Cron Jobs using SSH? Do your members receive emails sent from your website? Are you 100% sure that you set up Cron properly? I am asking because mainly Cron is the only reason why members are staying online.

The cron was installed by the hoster, i can't install  it. I comment to my hoster to do the check. Users receive emails from the last activity.

code that installed my hoster:

* * * * * /usr/bin/php5 -q /home2/*******/www/olwsocial/ow_cron/run.php &> /dev/null

Quote from Michael what host are you with as this may help in determining the cron syntax.

I have Apache and my hoster is Unityfree

Michael Leader
Michael Feb 10 '12
the /dev/null looks strange.  I dont have that on mine.

Enock Feb 13 '12

Quote from Michael the /dev/null looks strange.  I dont have that on mine.

I do not know why it added
Michael Leader
Michael Feb 13 '12
Try just
* * * * * /usr/bin/php5 -q /home2/youraccname/www/olwsocial/ow_cron/run.php

Worth a shot
Michael I.
Michael I. Feb 15 '12
The _only_ reason why members are staying online is problems with Cron. So you definitely should check further into Cron settings on your server.
Dominic Walters
Dominic Walters Feb 19 '12

Quote from Michael the /dev/null looks strange.  I dont have that on mine.

thats a command for an email to be sent every time the cron runs
Dominic Walters
Dominic Walters Feb 19 '12
i set up a cron job and it was working fine, since the update to 1.3.1 it works no longer

what has changed?

/usr/local/bin/php /home/********/public_html/fishface/ow_cron/run.php
Michael Leader
Michael Feb 19 '12
can u run the cron in ssh and see what error you are getting?

Tony Feb 28 '12
Hello, I have the same problem before the 1.3.1 working properly, and not now.

I am staying in Tmdhosting, they would have checked the path and this correctly.

* * * * * /usr/bin/php -q /home/*******/public_html/oxwallhispano/ow_cron/run.php

There will be a solution?
Michael I.
Michael I. Mar 1 '12
Do you receive any errors when run Cron command via SSH?
Tony Mar 1 '12
SSH is? my cpanel does not have that option
Giancarlo Mar 1 '12
Which command for use to run SSH?
Giancarlo Mar 1 '12
When I run the command through SSH I get PERMISSION DENIED! Can anyone please help me! I need to fix this issue as quick as possible!
Michael I.
Michael I. Mar 4 '12
You should contact your hosting company and ask them to enable all commands in Cron for you. Run 'crontab -l', then select your Oxwall cron command (without * * * * *) and paste it to the command line. It should run without errors.