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List of errors l cannot find solutions too in forum | Forum

Christian Feb 8 '12
1) hot or not over lapping on page and stops after the first or second click to rate and then starts to repeat photos that have been clicked. 

2) search screen does not seem to work it brings up both male and female and it does not bring up all members

3) facebook and google inviter only works in a few browsers 

Overall besides the lack of plugins available, even if they were for purchase, Oxwall is far one of the best piece of open source software l have come across, and l have used everything from word press to dolphin, oxwall would definitely be in the running if they included more plugins themes and modules. 

Michael Leader
Michael Feb 9 '12
It is early days for the software.  Wordpress etc have had years for development from members and fans! 

My personal experience with Oxwall is that it is very stable.  Any issues you have with a 3rd party plugin should be directed at the creator.