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share on facebook and twitter does not work | Forum

mabel Feb 27 '15
when I want to share a picture or video on facebook does not show the picture or video , only the description. This happens to me on Facebook and Twitter . In google everything works perfect. Now clean the cahe on facebook and clean cahe in the browser and still not working. Any idea how to solve this problem in facebook and twitter ?
tammy harris
tammy harris Feb 27 '15
is a problem the share plugin you have to close the popup and reclick share sometime have to do 3 times for it to finally grab the image 
mabel Feb 28 '15
Hi Tammy, thanks for answering but I did what you said and still not working. I send you pictures so you can see how I appear.
  erroSobreImagen.jpg (87Kb)
  erroSobreVideo.jpg (101Kb)
tammy harris
tammy harris Feb 28 '15
photos takes 2 or 3 attempts and video can take 10 before it grabs the image 

  Capture.PNG (333Kb)
ross Team
ross Mar 2 '15
Guys if you insert the url of an image or video here: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object/ you'll see the content which is supposed to be shared at the bottom of the page in See this in the share dialog. Something is wrong on their side, Oxwall software shares like it's supposed to. Let's wait a couple of days. 
The Forum post is edited by ross Mar 2 '15
tammy harris
tammy harris Mar 2 '15
on testing with  https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/og/object/
is the same as use share buttons  it takes 2 or 3 attempts for it to grab the image
and video 5 to 9 attempts before it grabs the image 
see attached it sees the og image but does not put it in the
When shared this is what will be included

the not grab image is the same on use the plugin share or the facebook share button from facebook developers and add this share buttons 

i had seen others had posted on this problem so i didnt worry about it thinking it would get solved 
this has been a problem even before the share plugin,
 its not the fb api as i have tested with other scripts and the share grabs the image every time  
  Capture.PNG (34Kb)
ross Team
ross Mar 2 '15
Have you fetched new scrape information?

Because I entered the url you have in the screenshot and the image appeared with the first try

Nick Szankovics
Nick Szankovics Oct 29 '17
You do realize with posts/pages it can often be over 15000 pages worth of scraping. At no time is this an effective method, especially as new newsfeed items are added during the scrape process. Fix your seo options, and allow for dynamic insertion of these values, such as creating a global image variable that grabs the image from the post, as well as the text content.