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500 internal error after update to 1.3 | Forum

Den Team
Den Feb 10 '12
If you made a platform update and get 500 internal error on your site, then, don't panic. Just read more careful release post.
After platform was updated, you should update all your active plugins to solve 500 error. That's all you need to do.
As usual, plugin's update can be performed automatically or manually

To make update more safely for you, it is recommended to wait until auto update requests will be appeared for all you plugins.  

P.S. Don't forget to update your theme at the end.




If you see somewhere on your site 500 internal error, then:

- enable DEBUG_MODE by setting this variable in TRUE position in ow_includes/config.php file;

- reproduce an error again on your site;

- search the forum for this error;

- if search was failed, create a separate topic with including the whole text (screenshot) of an error and pointing conditions (page, user actions) to reproduce it. 

Following these easy steps you will really help us to detect an issue faster and provide you with solution.

Thank you for understanding and cooperation!

The Forum post is edited by Den Apr 23 '12
Brother Andrew
Brother Andrew Feb 10 '12
As I Stated In PMs, Somebody Appears To Have Upgraded My Network To 1.3 And It LOOKS FINE.  The Plugin Upgrades Are What's NOW Causing My Site Issues. Anybody Else Seeing This (admin+plugin_update_download_error) When Wanting To Upgrade Plugins?  And Mail Plugin Upgrade Caused MAJOR ISSUES.  Anybody Else?  I'm Restoring My Back Up Fom Just Over An Hour Ago.  :--)
Richard Carr
Richard Carr Feb 10 '12
Hi Addenster,

I am still getting 500 internal server error after updating all plugins...It happens only when i activate the newsfeed plugin..I tried deleting this plugin, downloading again from the store and still gives 500 internal server error..Everything has been updated or at least shows that it has been.

Any ideas really need to get newsfeed back
Cartonic Feb 10 '12

Quote from Richard Carr Hi Addenster,

I am still getting 500 internal server error after updating all plugins...It happens only when i activate the newsfeed plugin..I tried deleting this plugin, downloading again from the store and still gives 500 internal server error..Everything has been updated or at least shows that it has been.

Any ideas really need to get newsfeed back

I had that sort of problem with groups plugin. For me sorted out that way:
Renamed Groups plugin folder to jbhjbdvc or something that way(i even couldn't acess admin). Could enter the admin page and when I was prompted to update plugin database renamed the folder again, pushed update and that was it
Richard Carr
Richard Carr Feb 10 '12
Hi cartonic ye I just renamed the groups folder to testgroups , entered admin and no option to upgrade..as far as I can remember I upgraded all plugins just after platform update..I haven't tried completely deleting groups and reinstalling, but don't want to loose all group contents...running out of ideas :)
Michael Leader
Michael Feb 10 '12
FYI if you have a 500 error, your data is still there, just really awkward to get at.  
Michael Leader
Michael Feb 10 '12

Quote from Addenster After platform was updated, you should update all your active plugins to solve 500 error. That's all you need to do. As usual, plugin's update can be performed automatically or manually.

In my instance it was the group plugin update that caused the 500 error in my case.  I was able to disable it and remove it and my 1.3 site works perfect.  I can even install a group plugin again but I lose the data I had in my original groups as I deleted the plugin to get it to work!  Not major for me, others may have more catastrophic scenarios.  Will chat after the weekend about it.

The Forum post is edited by Michael Feb 10 '12
Craig Clemons
Craig Clemons Feb 11 '12
I attempted 1.3 update on my wife's site and ended up with a broken dashboard and the inability to access admin.

updated basic_config table to trick the product into believing it was still running 4586

Ran ow_updates

This resolved the admin panel issues

Deactivated and reactivated all plugins

Site is now working

Sorry for the short note.  Been at it for a couple hours... after a 10+ hour implementation event WebEx with a client for my 'day' job.

The Forum post is edited by Craig Clemons Feb 11 '12
Impact-tech Feb 11 '12
I have bug on my groups after updates:

My site is not in english but when i put english lang. the problem is stil there

what to do?

In lang. i cant find this to edit or translate.

The Forum post is edited by Impact-tech Feb 11 '12
Impact-tech Feb 11 '12
And when i add picture in group...i cant see the picture?

netko Feb 13 '12
Hello to all, must say that i do everything what Addenster say, and everything is ok except newsfeed. I was having problems with some plugins but after deactivate and activate its working. But when i activate news feed i got 500 internal error. I tried everything, update platform,update plugins,update theme...

Can someone help with some solution with newsfeed? Or post an older version of newsfeed? I need that plugin to work so much :)

And thanks for helping me.
Michael Leader
Michael Feb 13 '12
Just recover it from your backup.
netko Feb 13 '12
I got same 500 error. I try delete news feed and then upload old one but got the same problem.

How you mean recover? maybe i something doing wrong
Michael Leader
Michael Feb 13 '12
Did you take a backup of your site files and database before doing any updates?
If you did, then you can just restore your site back to the way it was.

If you didn't...   Now you know why I keep telling everyone to backup BEFORE attempting any work.

I am wondering if I can just extract my newsfeed plugin folder and upload it to you.  My site is at 1.2.6.  I havent upgraded my livesite yet...  Let me check and I will see if I can PM you the files
netko Feb 13 '12
Thanks for helping me out, if you can extract your plugin folder that will be great.
I hope that i will resolve this problem with newsfeed.
Heinz Feb 13 '12
ok fine, i was stupid for not backing up my site before I did the update. So how do I fix things? I guess I was eager to get the wysiwyg bug fixed
Heinz Feb 13 '12
I managed to download a backup from the server. What do I upload now? It is not a complete site back up just a backup of the files. Does the update effect the database?

What is bizarre is, I can still access certain pages in the site like /forum and /groups and /users but if I try to access a particular user profile, I get the error page, but I can still read a forum post
The Forum post is edited by Heinz Feb 13 '12
Michael Leader
Michael Feb 13 '12
it does.

Any sussessful backup will be the files AND the database.
Heinz Feb 13 '12
but it isn't completely successful, I think.
I guess what I was getting at was, if I simply copy my backup files (Not the database) back into the directory for the site will all be fixed and back top the buggy previous version?
The Forum post is edited by Heinz Feb 13 '12
Michael Leader
Michael Feb 13 '12
I am trying to find a pattern that breaks my test site and also a solution that will recover it.

I was able to recover my test site once.  I have been busy since.  reloading the site and getting it back to 1.2.6 to perform a new update.  Once I have a solution, if no one else gets it before me then I will certainly share.
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