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Mass Mailing Debug Error | Forum

Mark Feb 12 '12
After sending a mass email to members (using 1.3) after clicking send i get the following debug message, ive only noticed this with the mass mailer and all is set to false in config.php. It does still send the mail however.

OW Debug - Vardumparray ( [0] => BASE_CLASS_Mail#1 ( [BASE_CLASS_Mail:state] => array ( [recipientEmailList] => array ( [0] => mark@xxxx.com ) [sender] => array ( [0] => siteinfo@xxxxx.com [1] => My Teen Blog ) [subject] => hi [textContent] => test To unsubscribe from this mailing list please click here: http://myteenblog.com/...cf871f42529443774ce3 [htmlContent] => null [sentTime] => null [priority] => 3 [replyTo] => null [senderSuffix] => 0 ) ) ) Type: Array

Michael Leader
Michael Feb 12 '12
I saw that too.  Just sent it to a test roll to check formatting and got this up.
I still received the email but it wasnt in html format,  :o(
Michael I.
Michael I. Feb 23 '12
This was an issue with the 1.3.0 build, was fixed in 1.3.1 though.