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Cron job on GoDaddy cpanel shared hosting | Forum

fouad Mar 11 '15
For the benefit of the community and because I could not find a working example on the forum of how to configure cron jobs on GoDaddy's lynux cpanel shared hosting, here is how I managed to configure the cron job:

/usr/local/bin/php -q /home/accountname/public_html/[full path to file]

It worked for me and hope it works for those on similar server setup.

ross Team
ross Mar 11 '15
Thanks fouad for sharing. Hope Oxwall community members will find it helpful. 
Mauricio Dec 2 '15
Thanks alot, it worked for me too after 12 hours of trying, with this line:

/usr/local/bin/php -q /home/youraccountname/public_html/_includes-funciones/delete_fotos_cronjob.php

Barrington Nov 4 '16
what is the best con job config to use on GODADDYS lynux setup?

 -q -O /dev/null http://localrondevoo.com/ow_cron/run.php

wget -q -O /dev/null http://localrondevoo.com/ow_cron/run.php

lynx http://localrondevoo.com/ow_cron/run.php


curl http://localrondevoo.com/ow_cron/run.php





/usr/local/bin/php -q /home/http://localrondevoo.com/ow_cron/run.php

/usr/local/bin/php -q /home/http://localrondevoo.com/public_html/ow_cron/run.php

dave Leader
dave Nov 4 '16
i think -O is not used anymore, i rearly see it now days, you can probably remove it.  

 -q means quiet mode no output.  

I have always used this (for cpanel other hosts) 

php -q /home/username/public_html/ow_cron/run.php

if you have Oxwall in a sub dir then of course youll have to toss that in the mix also 

php -q /home/username/public_html/subdirectory/ow_cron/run.php

i wonder why godaddy does not standardize it with the rest of the hosts, but then again do they standardize anything at all, no! lol 

hope that helps... 

The Forum post is edited by dave Nov 4 '16
Barrington Mar 17 '20
So I have to change the accountname to localrondevoo ? When I the the con job is what your saying? When I paste this con job on Godaddy con job?

/usr/local/bin/php -q /home/accountname/public_html/[full path to file]

Cunha Mar 19 '20
  1. Go to your GoDaddy product page.
  2. Under Web Hosting, next to the Linux Hosting account you want to use, click Manage.
  3. In the account Dashboard, click cPanel Admin.
  4. In the cPanel Home page, in the Advanced section, click Cron Jobs.
  5. In the cPanel Cron Jobs page, enter the necessary information. ...
  6. Click Add New Cron Job visit myprepaidcenter
The Forum post is edited by Cunha Mar 21 '20
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