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Can not show imager after changer hosting and domain | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Anhcoo Feb 12 '12
please help me, my site www.thatkhe.info can not show all images after I changer hosting and domain, I has CHMOD foder theme to 777 only, and changer domain name, database in file confign.php,.
Anhcoo Feb 12 '12
After update to 1.3 is Error 500
Internal Server Error.
Michael Leader
Michael Feb 12 '12
some poeple are experiencing 500 error after updating the groups plugin.  Reload your site with a backup and when you update it, do not do the groups.  See if that works.  If so, wait until the groups thing has been resolved then consider updating.

FYI if it does work, you can uninstall groups and reinstall it hten it works (for me anyway)

You do lose the data but if it isn't used much then nothing much lost.