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i seem to have a problem when i try to update my site to 1.3 | Forum

Topic location: Forum home » Support » General Questions
Rafael Feb 12 '12
i have problems with the update. i have tried both manual, and the auto through the admin panel.
FaceTester Leader
FaceTester Feb 12 '12
and.....what problems you may have ?
Rafael Feb 12 '12
well when doing auto update the site times out, and then remains timed out everytime i refresh it. i tried firefox chrome and IE, all did the same things. so i had backed it up and then got it back to the way it was at 1.26. then i did a manual core update and it did it but now i have 404. then i try to update plugins maually and now i get problems loading page.
Rafael Feb 12 '12
oh yes the site i speak of is www.urbanvisuals.org
Rafael Feb 12 '12
well now i had added the previous plugins back and i have no problem with the site. this has been weird update for me. maybe some easier then others but i had no other problem with a platform update prior to this. but i will say allowing the platform and plugins to update on there own in my experience has created a problem. i have control 7 oxwall powered sites and i have been stand offish with updating them. but i think i may have. i may be doing it the hard way and i still dont see the new features yet working as far as private groups. but i rather see my site working without then not working with it.