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Groups buttons bug | Forum

Impact-tech Feb 13 '12
How to edit my groups buttons?
This is how my buttons look like this:

I have one more bug on groups...when i put pictures in groups does not display?

Please help me about my problem!

Hati Narcatis
Hati Narcatis Feb 14 '12
You could add the language key manually in the database, but thats a bit tricky and risky (MAKE A BACKUP!).

I'll try to explain:

Open PHPmyAdmin for editing the database.
Opten the table "ow_base_language" and look which ID your language pack has (usually ID 1 for english)

Go to the table "ow_base_language_prefix" and look for the ID for "groups".
In my case, the ID is "121". You'll need that later for adding a language key.

The next step might not be nececssary.
Go to the table "ow_base_language_key" and search for your strings "group_list_menu_item_invite" and "group_list_menu_item_my". If they don't exist, go on:
Sort by "id" (DESC), so you will see the latest language ID, click on "insert" and you will see three input fields:
- id
- prefixid
- key
add a new value for each and start with the ID, which is one number higher than the highest ID in the table (in my case: 10145, so I will use ID 10146)
For the "prefixid" you'll take the ID from the table "ow_base_language_prefix" (in my case: 121) and for the "key" you use "group_list_menu_item_my".
Save that and repeat that for "group_list_menu_item_invite" (don't forget to set the ID one higher!)
If the keys already exist, just note their IDs (in my case: 10129 and 10128)

Now the last step:
Go to the table "ow_base_language_value", sort by ID (DESC) again and add a new entry:
- id: one higher than the highest before
- languageid: "1" for english
- keyid: the ID from  "ow_base_language_key" (in my case 10129)
- value: what you want to have as text. e.g.: "My groups"

repeat that for the next ID (and as usual: +1 ID count) and set the value to "Invitations" or something like that :)

That might sound a bit complicated, but it's easy if you know to handle phpmyadmin.

- Hati
The Forum post is edited by Hati Narcatis Feb 14 '12
Impact-tech Feb 14 '12
Hati ty...my problem with buttons is fixed ;)
Do you know how to fix about groups pictures and invite button does not show them?

The Forum post is edited by Impact-tech Feb 14 '12
Impact-tech Feb 15 '12
I fix the problem with pics...but i stil dont see invite button in groups...any idea someone?
The Forum post is edited by Impact-tech Feb 15 '12