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Update to 1.3 => user password not changeable | Forum

Hati Narcatis
Hati Narcatis Feb 13 '12
After the update to 1.3 the users are unable to change their passwords. It seems that the "Profile Question" field "password" is not set to "on profile edit".
I've done it manually in the database, but that effects only the password field, not the "retype"-field, which is necessary to change a password without misspelling.

I hope you can help :/
Hati Narcatis
Hati Narcatis Feb 15 '12

Hello? O_o
Michael I.
Michael I. Feb 23 '12
There is a Change Password button on the Edit page. Need a screenshot? :)
Hati Narcatis
Hati Narcatis Feb 23 '12
It's fixed now... I messed up the CSS and thats why the password button was not visible...

Sorry, was my fault ;)

- Hati
The Forum post is edited by Michael I. Feb 29 '12
Michael I.
Michael I. Feb 29 '12
Glad you managed to fix the issue, but avoid using swear words.