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Following features are completed:
1. User Rewards Widget
User's View
1. User can see current reward points offered by the system.
2. User can see his/her earned reward points history.
3. User can submit a request for redemption of his/her points against the redemption options provided by the system.
(a) Handling case If user's current points are less than minimum required points.
(b) If user has sufficient credit balance, he/she can submit a request to redeem.
(c) User can view the redemption history.
(d) User can cancel the redemption request.
Admin's View
1. Admin can update the default credit values attached to each actions.
2. Admin can view User's activity Logs and rewards.
3. Admin can add options to redeem.
1. Admin receives approval notification on submission of redemption request (similar to user joining approval). Once approved, points would be adjusted and system will reflect the redeemed points in history.
1. Level and Badges management by Admin
2. Notification to friends on up-gradation of Level and getting new Badges
3. Leader-Board Widget